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Bristol Hospital Broadcasting Service has hit another huge milestone in our history – by providing hospital radio services to the patients of Bristol for a full 65 years.
On August 23rd 1952, what was to become BHBS broadcast a live football commentary between Bristol Rovers v Shrewsbury Town from Rovers’ then home ground of Eastville Stadium. The first broadcast was relayed on Post Office landlines to five hospitals with another joining the network the following week. Both the Bristol Evening Post and the Bristol Evening World reported the event. Rovers went on to win 2-1, a good omen of things to coming for Bristol Hospital Broadcasting Service!
The last 65 years have seen huge advances in broadcasting technology and many changes at BHBS – with a series of different homes over the years, leading up to our current modern studio based in the BRI. BHBS now broadcasts 24/7 to thousands of hospital patients across Bristol.
To celebrate our birthday milestone, we are repeating our “60 years of BHBS” program tonight at 6.30pm – be sure to listen in to hear more of the story of our last six decades of hospital broadcasting.
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